Acupuncture Surrey
Pain Treatment using Acupuncture in Surrey, BC
Acupuncture stimulates nerves, muscles and connective tissue. Research suggests that it can help manage pain, acting as a natural painkiller and it is used for a wide range of other issues. Acupuncture can be highly beneficial when integrated into pre-existing treatment programs.
Our focus on each individual with a special level of care and consideration provides a first class acupuncture service that is above and beyond your expectations. We diagnose, treat, educate and help prevent many diverse conditions.
What is Acupuncture Therapy?
In this treatment performed by the acupuncture doctor, the energy flow of the body is balanced. In this way, the self-healing rate of the body organism increases. This method, which is carried out with completely healthy methods, will immediately make you feel the healing. You will feel a great relief when you go home after your session. In addition, acupuncture treatment side effects are very low. In these treatments performed by our specialist doctors, your rate of side effects will be much lower. This treatment method, which has side effects such as small rashes, is the best for you among non-surgical methods. You can also contact us for Acupuncture Surrey region.
Conditions Our Registered Physiotherapists Help With:
- Sports injuries
- Muscle pain
- Back, neck and shoulder pain
- Leg, ankle and foot pain
- Arm, wrist and hand pain
- Knee pain
- Hip pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Tennis Elbow
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Jaw pain (TMJ)
- Dental pain
- Sciatica
- Arthritis
- Tendonitis
- Myofascial pain syndrome
- Headaches and migraines
- Postoperative pain
Acupuncture Surrey
Acupuncture treatment performed at Surrey clinic of Acupuncture has a positive effect on the body. How is this happening? Needles inserted into the body send an energy to the brain. After this sent energy, the brain takes a positive action. The needle sends therapeutic signals to the punctured points and your treatment accelerates. In this method of acupuncture treatment, substances effective against pain are sent by the brain. This is how you get better.
These signals, also known as the happiness hormone among the people, actually have very comprehensive effects. It shows very different effects after needle insertion. This technique, which provides a great improvement, is also frequently used by specialist doctors. As best acupuncture clinic Surrey, we offer you an excellent treatment opportunity. You can contact us for modern acupuncture therapy, which has positive effects on back and joint pain. As Acupuncture near me, we are the closest address to you.
At Pain Free Health Clinic, we are excited to bring you the benefits of this safe, effective, and drug-free form of therapy at our Surrey locations, where we offer the wisdom of both Eastern and Western therapeutics for an integrative approach to health.
Our licensed and certified acupuncturists focus on providing our patients with thorough, individualized, and comprehensive care. Our acupuncturists are highly skilled, have many years of experience, and treat a wide range of conditions, book an appointment today.
Frequently Asked Question
Acupuncture therapy has many benefits on the body. These generally make the person feel good. Fatigue is reduced and people get rid of problems such as addiction. It is recommended to perform acupuncture treatment for people suffering from headache and low back pain. The acupuncture treatment that will be applied to your body has many benefits for you and your health.
Acupuncture treatment can be applied 2-3 times a week or a month. These forms of application vary from person to person and according to the disease. Sometimes acupuncture treatment is applied seasonally. For this reason, you may need this treatment several times a year.
Acupuncture treatment takes place in certain stages. For this reason, not everyone may feel the same after treatment. After Acupuncture treatment, it is seen that people generally get rid of their pain and aches. After the treatment, you will feel good and you will see the benefits of the treatment.
Acupuncture does not feel any pain as it is applied by people who are trained. On the contrary, you will feel much better with treatment. They said that people who received acupuncture treatment felt very little pain only during the needle prick phase. For this reason, you do not need to be afraid of the treatment process. Acupuncture treatment is a painless process.
During the acupuncture treatment, many points in the body are stimulated. These are the immune system and pain relief body areas. Such areas are stimulated with needles and made to react. Afterwards, it is desirable to get over the disease in a short time. Acupuncture treatment process takes place in such a simple way.
Acupuncture treatment is applied by inserting various needles into the areas on the body. Needles must be completely clean in such treatments. For this reason, disposable needles are preferred in the treatment process. It has been observed that people who are sick feel much better after needle sticking in the determined areas.
Acupuncture treats many diseases on the body. These include many types of diseases such as toothache, low back pain, headache and vomiting. After experiencing such problems, you can get acupuncture treatment and feel good in a short time.
Acupuncture does not cause any problems for the body. You do not need to be afraid of the treatments you will have. This method of treatment is applied completely reliably. However, make sure that the person who will apply this treatment has done acupuncture before and has received training on this treatment method.
Acupuncture is a treatment method in which needles are inserted into certain points of the body. This treatment method means stimulating the body with needles. This technique, which makes the body’s organism much better, can be used for the treatment of any disease. It has been frequently preferred since ancient China.