Mr. Steve Wu

Steve is both a passionate licensed acupuncturist/TCM practitioner and a senior software engineer. He has over twenty years of software development experiences before stepping into the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. He believes that Traditional Chinese Medicine will become an integral part of individual’s lifestyle and community healthcare through advances in science and technology. Graduated with an Applied Science degree from University of British Columbia and a diploma for Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dr. TCM) from Tze Chi International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCICTCM). Steve witnessed and experienced the effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture firsthand. He has learnt from many incredible teachers that were integral to his quest of becoming a competent practitioner. He believes that the application of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is beyond disease treatments and health cultivations. Through the tools from this thousand year old medical practice, he believes that any individual can be in their best state to face any life challenge, either battling pain and illnesses, health cultivations, studying in school, working in a high stress job, preparing for competitive activities, or confronting difficult circumstances. Steve will be there to support his patients. Steve is also active in many Traditional Chinese Medicine promotional events. In 2022, he participated as one of the candidates in the CTCMA board election. He hopes to contribute in any way he can to advocate for the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine profession in BC.

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