Services at Pain Free Health Clinic

Wide range of therapy & treatments to get you back to normal

Kinesiology – Active Rehab
Massage Therapy
Occupational Therapy
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Low Back Pain

Lower back pain is usually caused by excess stresses and strains being placed upon these joints and tissues. As your lower back is essential to all movements in your body, pain in this area can often feel more severe than elsewhere.

Shoulder Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, or OA, is the most common cause of physical disability in older adults. It can also be described as wear and tear, or called degenerative joint disease. The shoulder is a joint commonly affected by the condition.

Frozen Shoulder

Tightening of the shoulder capsule which in turn restricts range of motion. Frozen shoulder can be treated with manual therapy, IMS and intense exercises.

Knee Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, or OA, is the most common cause of physical disability in older adults. It can also be referred to as wear and tear, or called degenerative joint disease. The hip is one of the most common joints affected by the condition.

Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is usually caused by accidentally twisting or turning your ankle in an awkward way. Most of the time, the injury will resolve within a few weeks with the correct management and exercises.

Golfer's Elbow

Medial epicondylalgia, better known as golfer’s elbow, is an over-use injury of the tendons around the inside of your elbow. It tends to occur as a reaction to an increased demand on the tendons beyond their capability.

Tennis Elbow

Lateral epicondylalgia, known as tennis elbow, is an over-use injury of the tendons around the outside of your elbow. It occurs as a reaction to an increased demand on the tendon beyond its capabilities. Those with tennis elbow will typically report pain and stiffness.

Calf Strain

A calf strain affects the muscles at the back of the lower leg, and tends to come about due to a sudden excessive force through the muscle, or with repetitive overuse.

Concussion Therapy

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. This is caused when a bump, blow, or jolt exerts a force on your brain within your skull. This force can cause a temporary injury to your brain. Symptoms vary greatly depending on which part of your brain has been affected.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a disorder arising from a problem within your inner ear. BPPV results in recurring brief episodes of vertigo (a sensation of spinning) and nausea, with possible balance impairments.

Hip Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, or OA, is the most common cause of physical disability in older adults. It can also be referred to as wear and tear, or called degenerative joint disease. The hip is one of the most common joints affected by the condition.


Sciatica is the term often given to nerve pain travelling down the leg. Symptoms can include weakness, numbness, pins and needles, electric shock sensations, and aching. The pain can vary from infrequent and irritating, to constant and incapacitating.


A whiplash injury is most commonly thought of as an injury sustained during a car accident. However, it can occur during any incident where there is a sudden change in speed on the body.

Achilles Tendinopathy

An Achilles tendinopathy is an over-use injury. It tends to occur as a reaction to an increased demand on the tendon, beyond it’s capabilities. Those with an Achilles tendinopathy will typically report pain and stiffness, which may reduce in the short term with brief gentle movement.

Ac Joint Injury

The acromio-clavicular joint, or ACJ, is located on the top of your shoulder. Injuries to this joint can lead to restricted and painful movement. If left untreated, postural changes and abnormal movement habits can occur, increasing the likelihood of secondary problems.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition affecting the sole of the foot, commonly in the heel. Those with the condition dislike pressure placed on this area. With the correct management, plantar fasciitis will resolve with conservative treatment.

Dry needling

Dry needling is also commonly referred to as trigger point dry needling. Trigger points are taut bands in muscles and have been long identified as a source of acute or chronic pain. This pain is often called “myofascial pain.” The pain may be local, right at the muscle or referring pain.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves creating a series of low energy acoustic wave pulsations that are directly applied to an injury through a person’s skin via a gel medium.

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Spinal Manipulation

A spinal adjustment is performed when an area of the spine is slightly misaligned and/or not performing its normal range of motion. This can be done by hand or machine (Arthrostim). By hand a light pressure is applied to the spine and the impulse restores normal spinal motion.


An adjustment performed with a hand held device which will deliver light repetitive thrusts to restore the spinal alignment. This powerful tool delivers 12~14 incremental thrusts per second, making it much stronger and faster than a typical single thrust administered by a chiropractor.


Hand-held vibration device that feels like a deep tissue massage, but penetrates deep within the bodily tissues. It helps loosen tissues such as the joints, muscles, fascia or the lining around the muscle.

Soft Tissue Release (STR)

Soft Tissue Release (STR) is a technique used by massage and manual therapists to restore normal flexibility to a muscle.

Active Release Techniques (ART)

Active Release Techniques (ART) are a soft tissue method that focuses on relieving tissue tension, fixes muscle weakness and aching via the removal of fibrosis/adhesions which can develop in tissues as a result of overload due to repetitive use.

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Through physical therapy restore mobility of arthritis, help to manage symptoms by reducing joint swelling and pain caused by it.

Athletic Injuries

Participation in an Active Rehab program following a sports injury is highly beneficial to help speed your recovery and get you back to a productive life with no restraints.

Cerebral Palsy

Physical therapy and rehabilitation for patients with cerebral palsy through exercises to help improve and maintain movement, help with balance and more.

Knee Replacement Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation following knee replacement surgery to help with recovery, and to steadily increase mobility.

Hip Replacement Rehabilitation

After undergoing a hip replacement, proper rehabilitation allows you to gain mobility for your daily tasks, progressively improving into doing activities again.

Multiple Sclerosis

Our trainers have worked with many patients with specific rehabilitation needs including Multiple Sclerosis. Managing MS with physical therapy along with regular treatment can slow down the progression of the disease and improve quality of life.

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Uses a number of fine needles carefully placed on specific parts of the body, to stimulate points along theoretical meridians of energy throughout the body. This corrects the imbalances that are responsible for the problems patients may be experiencing.


Cupping promotes healing and has been used extensively for sore muscles. Cupping has also been used for back and neck pain, migraines, knee arthritis, hip arthritis improving immune function and chronic pain.


Electroacupuncture follows the same principles as acupuncture, except it uses two needles with an electric current that passes between them. It’s often used to treat chemotherapy side effects and acute pain.

Auricular Acupuncture & Ear Seed Therapy

Auricular acupuncture can be used for a wide range of indications, and it is especially useful to relieve pain, calm the mind, treat allergies and infectious diseases, regulate endocrine system disorders, and treat chronic disease and functional disorders. It is also used for withdrawal syndrome.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture is an extension of traditional acupuncture. The method naturally allows the skin look younger, smoother, and all-around healthier. Unlike injection procedures, facial acupuncture addresses not only signs of aging, but also the skin’s overall health.

Gua Sha Therapy

Gua sha is a natural therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation. This healing technique may offer a unique approach to better health, addressing issues like chronic pain. Therapist scrapes your skin with short or long strokes to stimulate blood flow.

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Soft Tissue Release (STR)

Soft Tissue Release (STR) is an effective technique used by therapists to release tenseness in the tissue in order to restore normal flexibility to a muscle.

Sports Massage Therapy (SMT)

Massage therapy to help with recovery and prevention of injuries to muscles for athletes. By stretching the muscle and introducing blood flow into affected areas, the healing process becomes more efficient and helps with tired muscle.

Active Release Technique (ART)

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a non-invasive treatment system precisely engineered to locate and quickly resolve soft-tissue disorders.

Kinesiotape (Kin Tape)

KT Tape is an elastic sports tape designed to relieve pain while supporting muscles, tendons, and ligaments

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a massage technique that’s mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues.
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Ergonomic Work Set Up

Ergonomic assessment of work station looking at sitting, screen position and other factors that may contribute to poor positioning.

Ot Home Safety Assessment

We help with falls prevention through adaptive equipment recommendations, teaching the clients new ways to do their every day activities such as bathing, dressing, etc.

Ot Home Safety Assessment

We help with falls prevention through adaptive equipment recommendations, teaching the clients new ways to do their every day activities such as bathing, dressing, etc.

Ergonomic Assessment

Assessment of the risk factors in the workplace that can result in musculoskeletal injuries. Assessment can help to make changes to improve the work-station environment through adjusting and changing of equipment to improve posture.

Icbc Ot Assessment & Treatment

Assessment for ICBC clients who experienced MVA accidents; to help support the rehabilitation process of returning the patient back to daily activities and work.

Wheelchair Assessment & Prescription

Facilitating the process of prescribing an appropriate wheelchair to the patient based on their specific needs and ensuring it is the right fit for the user. This is done through physical and cognitive assessment as well as functional abilities.

Concussion Management

Education on cognitive rehabilitation, energy conservation, assisting with daily routine planning, sleep hygiene and enhancing their quality of life.

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Make a step to start your journey to recovery with Pain Free Health Clinic.

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